Calendar May 14, 2020 18:46

Mortgage CRM Software That Will Pay for Itself

They say nothing in life is free, but when it comes to software for your mortgage business, we have to disagree. Whether you are a seasoned LO or just starting your own shop, the number one tool or “hack” that is going to save you tons of time and money is white label crm software to make you more efficient.

In fact, a recent study from Nucleus Research shows that for companies that use a CRM, the average return on their technology investment is $8.71 for each dollar spent.

Not yet using a CRM? That kind of return on investment is like printing money for your business.

Whether you are a seasoned mortgage pro or just starting your own shop, this how-to guide will dive deep on the automation essentials for mortgage business, how mortgage software will pay for itself, and what the ideal features you need in your next CRM.

CRM Automation is Your Mortgage Business’s Secret Weapon Whether it is streamlining your lending workflow, integrating all the tools you use into one central place, automating client follow-up and marketing, or anything in between, the benefits of automation software for lenders are simply staggering.

Consider a recent study by Instapage around the various benefits of automating different areas of your business with software:

Closing Deals

• Automation is proven to boost sales productivity by 14.5% and reduce marketing overheads by 12.2%

• CRMs can lead to a 30% increase in deal closures, an 18% reduction in sales cycle, and a 14% reduction in sales administration time


• 90% higher customer retention rates can come from marketing automation

• 80% of marketing automation users see increased leads, and 77% see increased conversions

• 60% of users say marketing automation has increased the quantity and quality of the leads that get passed to sales


• 40% of productivity is lost to multitasking and task-switching

• Lost productivity and poorly managed leads cost companies over $1 trillion annually, some of which could be saved with automation software

Customer communication

• Automated emails have a 70.5% higher open rate and 152% higher click-through rate than generic email newsletter

• Companies using marketing automation software are 2xmore effective in lead generation than those using only blast email software

• Automating lead nurturing with well-timed emails and offers has been proven to generate a 10% or greater increase in revenue

Article Source –

Posted May 14, 2020 18:46

Tag Mortgage CRM Software · Tag Shape Software CRM